Power Block


Before us is a new exciting game Power Block -known company that develops sensory games. This game belongs to the category of puzzles and is designed to develop the player care, intelligence and logical thinking. In it, developers have tried to combine all the best that has been created in the Tetris game. So, we will be playing field on which a certain rate will fall blocks of different shapes and sizes. Below we will be given randomly items that we will shoot up. Our task quickly viewing the play area to find an empty niche where you can insert the block, so that he made ​​a complete line. As soon as the circuit closes - this number will be gone and it will give us a certain amount of points. If we do not have time to clear the playing field in this way, and a number of falling objects touches the bottom edge we will lose this round. Remember that with each level the falling speed and complexity of the figures will change, and we need to do everything. Control is simple and comes with the mouse. Power Block Game is quite beautiful graphics and excellent musical accompaniment. Install the application on one of your devices, and dive into the world of puzzles. It should also be noted that playing the game can be Power Block and the Internet. This will give you the opportunity to bring to the game of his friends, as well as participate in competitions between players from all over the world. Just all your achievements will be visible to other players in your profile and who knows, maybe you will head the top ten best players of the game.

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